HOLLY BIBLE: Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a cheerful heart, for God has already approved your Works. (Ecclesiastes 9:7).
Wine that gladdens the heart of man, oil that makes his face to shine, and bread that sustains his heart.  (Psalm 104:15)
Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued or given to much wine or greedy for money. (1. Timoteos 3:8)
Stop drinking only water and use a little wine instead, because of your stomach and your frequent ailments. (1. Timoteos 5:23)

“They (Adyghe-Circassians) are constantly raising a toast: in honor of God, on behalf of their saints, the health of their relatives, the memory of their deceased friends, in the memory of their deceased friends, remarkable bravery, courage, success, as if they were doing a ritual, they drink sincerely in respect and humility. . » Giorgio Interiano 1502 year. (Genoese historian, ethnographer, and traveler.)


Kabardian Ceguak’e (cultural artist) Ağnokua Lase expressed how beautifully this stance was:

If Fade is in our hearts, we are cheerful, smiling faces,
We pass the fast one,
We beat the strong.

It opens our minds, decodes our tongue.

He thought that in this way God would be pleased with the drinking method and behavior of our people.

In this way, he thought, God would be pleased with the drinking method and behavior of our people. «Пщыми уэркъми фахэтыфу, фадэ ефэнкIэ фыIэрыхуэу»


Our milk is as big as a lake, our cheese is as big as a wheel, nine honey baskets, our drink is the overflowing river.


The old Circassians used to think the drink was alive: Wine rises and descends in the barrel, “breathes”, “whispers”, “speaks”. When an unfavorable day was to be experienced, they believed that the drink would be aware of that dangerous situation beforehand and it was moving.

Another point of view; If ‘’Maxsima’’ is kept too long, it is divided into three layers. The lower part was called “birkut”. It was the drink of ordinary people. The thin layer above it was the drink of the slaves. The purest form of ‘’Maxsima’’ was the drink of the princes.

If the color of ‘’Maxsima’’ turned red, it would be considered more acceptable. If the color of ‘’Maxsima’’ was beautiful, people would call it “red like rabbit blood”. If my body had a cloudy color, “Maxsima” is like mud water.

Resource: Etnograf TSIPINE Aslen, ЦIыпIынэ Аслъэн. Адыгэ фадафэ щэнхабзэр (Культура винопития у адыгов